
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics and Finance at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and Research Associate at CAGE Warwick.

My research interests are Applied Microeconomics, Political Economy and Economic History. Wider fields of interest include Behavioural Economics, and Development.

Prior to joining Tor Vergata, I was a Lecturer in Economics at the University of Bristol. I received my PhD from The University of Warwick in 2016.



Impulse Purchases, Gun Ownership and Homicides: Evidence from a Firearm Demand Shock
– with David SchindlerThe Review of Economics and Statistics (2023), 105(5), 1271-1286
[Abstract] [Article] – Covered on [Salon] [Handelsblatt] [Wirtschaftswoche] [Ökonomenstimme]

Loose Cannons: War Veterans and the Erosion of Democracy in Weimar Germany
– solo – The Journal of Economic History (2023), 83(1), 167-202
[Abstract] [Article]


Working papers

The Political Effects of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Weimar Germany
– with Stefan Bauernschuster, Matthias Blum and Erik Hornung
– R&R at Explorations in Economic History
[Abstract] [Draft] – Covered on [VoxEU]

Patronage and Election Fraud: Insights from Russia’s Governors 2000–2012
[Abstract] [Draft]

The Political Fallout of Chernobyl: Evidence from West-German Elections
[Abstract] [Draft]


Work in progress

The Burden of Memory: Persistence of Ethnic Conflict in Yugoslavia
– with Leonard Kukić and Filip Novokmet

Wages, Mortality and Voting in Imperial Germany
– with Yanos Zylberberg

Political Alignment and Development Funds: Evidence from post-WWII Southern Italy
– with Letizia Borgomeo and Mauro Rota

The Long-Run Consequences of Transition Unemployment in Eastern Europe
– with Andreas Menzel and Ekaterina Travova